less of me

americans - your divide about politics is not biblical.

elodie christina Episode 20

homegirls... this week i am hurt. 

this episode dives into a topic that’s been weighing on my heart and i feel like it would be wrong to ignore: politics. particularly american politics. 

the recent election has stirred strong opinions - fine. it's opened people's eyes to their opinions - fine. but what it's also done is that it's caused anger and divide within not just the world but the body of Christ. 

it’s easy to let political preferences create division where there should be unity. but here's the truth – the divide we see isn't biblical. 

what i talk about: 

  • why no political figure or party should be placed above Jesus
  • how idolatry can creep in when we let politics consume us 
  • why unity in the body of Christ matters more than winning an argument 
  • how to navigate political differences with understanding and love

as believers, we need to lead with love, compassion, and the reminder that our faith binds us more than any political stance. 

let’s learn to listen, understand, and keep our eyes on the One who is above it all. i pray this episode helps you reflect, reset, and put unity in the body of Christ first 💕

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Hey, my beautiful home girls. How are you doing? I pray you have had a blessed week. This week is weird, especially if you are in the USA with everything going with the election. So for some of you, you might have really believed that you had a blessed week. For some of you, you're not feeling like you've had a blessed week. And I just want to go straight into it. I've not made any notes on this, but I was thinking, you know, what's a good topic to talk about this week? And whilst there are other things I want to talk about, I also, I really feel strong on my heart to not ignore, not ignore what's going on, not ignore just the uproar in Christianity right now. And if I'm honest, I am appalled. I'm appalled with the hate, I'm appalled with the divide, and I am appalled that we ever have put politics, we have ever put a woman or a man above our Lord and Savior, above the King of Kings, above the Lord of Lords, above the Alpha and Omega. Like, I, coming from someone who, to be honest, politics has never interested me, I might, to be honest, I'll admit I am a lot more interested in American politics than British politics. I think British politics confuses me a bit more. And also America just. It's like a reality show. It really is, like. And that's probably one of the things that I don't like about American politics. But for the sake of entertainment, there's so much more going on in America than there is the uk. So, you know, I unfortunately know more about it than I do British because of that. And obviously it's something that's so big, you know, I follow mostly American influencers, which means that it's been all over my feed for the last six months about this election. And I just want to preface, before I get into it, I am not going to share my political views because I have them. I think it would be wrong for me, who is going to be talking about other people's views, to pretend like I am neutral, because I am definitely not. And I am also not going to say that it is unbiblical to be political or to have your own political views. Mainly because I believe that God can speak through everything and I know there is this big argument on Christian culture to say that, you know, God is separate to state and for that, you know, I've got my views on that and I can understand where people come from because there is a level of free will. And also I. I see how religious governments are full of tyrants and full of control and a level of. I am going to use my own personal desires, my personal pride, my personal corruption in the name of God. And for that I will never agree with. And that is why I can understand when Christians say that there is a separation. However, I very much stand by the fact that God can speak. I really do believe that God has spoken to me, has torn down a lot of my preconceived ideas about everything I'm talking pre coming to Christ and post coming to Christ. He has spoken to me in every area of life, every area of morals. And that obviously comes into politics as well. So I don't want to pretend like I have not had my own prayers and my own conversations with God. And then I don't want to discredit anyone who has had their own personal revelations from God and their own journey that they have been on, because only God can know and only your heart knows whether that comes from a genuine understanding of His Word, a genuine surrender to His Word and to his values and to his voice and his needing. So for that, I feel like this is better done just talking about the problem. And the problem is Christians being divided. You know, this podcast is called Less of Me on the preface of Less of Me and More of Him. So if I sit here giving you my political views and how I feel about this election, how I felt about politics, you know, throughout my life, and how God has, you know, changed my. My views, that's about me. And because it's something that is so not personal in the sense of, yes, it's personal to me, but it is not something that I can say without it being deemed as an attack to someone else with a different view. And my whole idea for this podcast is to literally break down that divide. I don't want a divide with other people. I have seen so much on social media in the last few days, just blatant attacks towards different groups of people, blatant attacks of people's character, blatant attacks of people's intention. And I expect it. I really expect it from unbelievers. So when I saw certain people talking about the election, when I saw people leading up to the election and their views and their attacks for other people, I was like, well, what. What do we expect? This is, you know, the reality of the world we live in, and unfortunately, the reality of how politics has become, where it has become a very you are right and you are wrong, and there is no way we can see a difference. And if I'm honest, both sides have done this in the election. Both Kamala and both Trump have given this whole idea that this person's stupid and that person's stupid. And regardless of my political views, I do not see one as a God. I do not see one as having ultimate truth. I also most definitely do not agree with everything that they have said, everything that they stand for, everything that they have done to just divide. I don't agree with that. But then I also, and so, you know, there is that, that level of I have my opinion, but I also know that my opinion. So it's a whole thing of, I have my opinion and if I was in America, I would have known who to vote for. But I also know that that person is human. And I know that there's a lot of Christians and I'm not going to go too much into it, but I just think there might be some people listening that are saying, well, you just shouldn't vote at all because you're a Christian. If you go by that, fair enough, I'm not gonna again cause a divide by saying that if you have a conviction not to vote, then you're wrong. Because maybe there are some people that God is called to take a step back from politics, especially because how the media makes it our whole life to the point where our Bibles haven't been opened in days. I know there's some of you, I know that even I have become caught up in what was going on. And don't get me wrong, like, I woke up early in the morning, obviously me being in the UK and the time zone difference to be checking everything. But I think I even had to convict myself to say, okay, like, regardless of who wins, regardless of who has won, I still have a hope that goes beyond whatever political outcome there is. So I can understand people's views. But I also don't want there to be more attacks to be like, well, you shouldn't be talking about this because politics isn't a legitimate topic. And whilst I recognize that Jesus is the number one topic, I also recognize as believers, we can ignore something that has a massive impact on not just the economy. Like, we could talk about all the different day to day things. Not just that, but in terms of people's feelings, people's opinions about Christians, about godly values, about other people, about themselves. It impacts our whole society and it creates a foundation to which a lot of people are either receptive to the word of God or rejecting to the word of God. And for that reason, I really believe that there are some people that have been called to talk about it. Me, I'm not one of them because I think I. I can easily fall into the trap of I don't mean it. I don't mean to be heavily opinionated and to stop people from giving their two cents, but I think there is a level of strong opinions in me that might not help me to share my view in a way that is loving and is caring towards everyone. Which is why when I thought of this episode, I thought, I don't want to make it about my side of the story. I want to make it so people shut up. People stop attacking other people who have differing views. That's why I would never go out and talk about it. Because I just, for me, I just feel like I will fall into the trap of accidentally or my flesh being selfish and purposely saying something that doesn't consider someone else. And I've got some scriptures that I want to sort of go off of. I'm going to read them both out now and then we will carry on. I just need to lay a foundation for you guys. For anyone who is listening to me, whatever side of the political angle you fall on, I love you. But what I won't tolerate is you tearing down other people who aren't like you. Because that is not biblical and that is not what Jesus would have done. And at the end of it, when we get to those pearly gates, God's not going to say, oh, you voted Republican. Oh, you voted Democrat. Ugh, you're not going to get in. What he's going to say is, did you follow me with all your heart? Did you make a conscious effort to acknowledge my grace and to be transformed by my grace? Did you do what I called you to do? Am I going to say, well done, my good and faithful servant? And that has nothing to do with politics. The only reason it would have to do with politics is if you let politics consume you or if you get led by the flesh when making political decisions. That would be the only thing. That would be the only thing that God would be like. Girl, I didn't. I didn't like that. I didn't like that you put your own personal pride over what I've been calling you to do. But other than that, like, I hate when people are saying that God would have been a X, God would have been a X. God would. God wouldn't like. It's the same thing as people saying that Jesus is president. Jesus is far above principalities and powers, so why would he vote for them? But as humans, we are living in a fallen world, which means that God can give us wisdom on how to handle those principalities and powers, but he would not vote for them himself. But we're gonna go into these verses. Before I start rambling on, I want to start with my favorite. In any topic where there is divide among people and any time where I feel inclined to divide, because as humans, I'm not going to come across and say that I have never pitted myself against someone. Romans 12, 14, 21 just slaps me in the face every time. And this is, bless those who persecute you. Bless and do not curse them. Rejoice with those who rejoice. Weep with those who weep. Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but never associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight. Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honourable in the sight of all, if possible, so far as it depends on you. Live peaceably with all, beloved. Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord to the contrary. If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink, for by so doing, you will heat burning coals on his head. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. I could just stop the podcast right there if I'm honest, but we're going to go to 1 Corinthians, verse 12, and I might carry on reading. And this is one that I thought right last minute before I started this podcast, because there is a level of idolatry that is associated on both sides with politics, and especially this election. And this scripture puts it best. You know what? Let me start in verse 10 because I think it gives a bit more context. This is Paul speaking to the church in Corinth. I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is, is that one of you says, I follow Paul, or I follow Apollos, or I follow Cephas, or I follow Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius. Ciao. Me and my Bible names. I can't do it. So that no one may say that you are baptized. In my name. For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power. I love that. I. I love that. And I know this is talking about ministers. I know this is talking about teachers and evangelists and people who are within the church, but I really think this also applies to just how we go about our lives, because I think politics has almost become a religion. It's a way of life. And why, why, why has it become this pinnacle point of which humans identify, again, as the unbeliever? I understand. Because who else do they have to lean on? And I pray for a lot of these people who have fought to get something from politics, fought to find their identity, find someone who resonates with them, find someone who gives them peace in how they're going about their lives, peace of their finances, peace over their children, peace over their future, peace over their rights. I pray that they wake up and they realize that only Jesus can do that. Me and my mum had a conversation the day of the election, and we were saying, both sides will let you down in politics. Someone will upset you. Hello, they're human. If Kamala got in, she would have upset you. Trump, who's in. He's gonna upset you. Whatever side you fall on, someone's gonna let you down. And we both know that. We. We know that very well. In. In UK politics. I don't think I have ever liked a single politician, but I recognize that they are a child of God. I don't actually like any politician, not even just British. I don't think there's anyone that I really think, wow, you're a great person. You're a great role model to my children. None of them, absolutely none of them. Because I know what falls behind the surface. And even if I don't know, the unknown is scary. The unknown of. I don't know the content of your character or your heart. I don't know how you are led by other people. I don't know if you lean on Jesus and if you don't, what you are leaning on. I have no idea about any of that. And it. And it is a hard thing when it comes to politics, which, you know, going back to what I said about people that don't vote, I can understand why you don't vote. The reason why I have voted in the past, obviously, for Britain is just out of a practical understanding and also from a leading of God. And a lot of it has, you know, I have had to humble myself. I have had to because I certain points I have said, you know, I'd never vote because I hate all of them. That was my non Christian heart speaking and God had to challenge me over the years. It, it took a lot of laying my thoughts down. It took a lot of research as well. And giving that research over to God and saying, okay, well, I found this. Let me look in the word of God and see what the Bible says about this. It took a lot of that. But I can understand why some people don't vote because there is that level of idolatry that can come out of voting. But what I really want to go into is just how Christians have handled this situation. Not well. I have seen some disgusting things, some appalling comments, some empty, weak and unbiblical comments on both sides. I have seen very clearly. Yep, you vote by your flesh. Yep, you let your worldly heart lead you into your decision on both sides. Because when people show the content of their heart when it comes to politics, you can see whether they are considering just themselves or everyone. We live in a world where we are driven by our comfort. We are driven by what immediately makes sense to us. And we are driven by every part of identity other than our identity as a child of God. We are driven by the fact that we are a woman. We are driven by the fact that we are a man. We are driven by the fact that we are middle class. We are driven by the fact that we are working class. We are driven by the fact that we are straight. We are driven by the fact that we are gay. We are driven by the fact that we want this particular ambition. And we are driven by the fact that we don't. We are driven by the color of our skin. We are driven by where our family is from. We are driven by who our family has voted for for years. And how dare I, you know, actually challenge my thoughts? And though otherwise, we are driven by our hate for others. And we are driven by this weird cultish understanding that I am a part of something bigger than myself and you aren't. We are completely driven by everything but God. Since when was God exclusive? Since when did God say, you follow me because of these characteristics? God said, I don't want your characteristics, I want your heart. God said, when I look at you, I look at you through the lens of Jesus, which means I don't see all of that. I don't see what you think defines you. I see what I define you as. I don't see that as a limiting factor, nor do I see it as something that is going to heavily impact my purpose that I have placed on you. The world will tell you that. The world will tell you based on your upbringing, based on your ra, based on your socioeconomic background, this is what you will achieve. And these are the restrictions. And this is the type of people that you talk to, and this is the type of people that you don't. This is who you follow because it makes sense. And this is who you follow because it doesn't. That's not God. And when we vote based off of that, when we dictate our friendships based off of that, when we dictate our morals based off of that, we subconsciously and sometimes consciously, and that there's no shame in that because we always like to talk about how we do things unknowingly. Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they do. Some of y'all know what you're doing, and that's okay, because there's been times where I know what I'm doing and I know how much it's going to upset someone, but I'm just thinking of myself. I know that. And let's not. Let's not have shame about that. But some of us are consciously doing things with the intention of harming the other side. Let's leave the voting aside. Let's leave why you vote for who you vote for, but it's the language that comes across with that. It's when you open up your mouth in public and you say, if you voted for xyz, you're not a follower of Christ. If you voted for xyz, you don't care about this group of people. If you voted for so and so, so and so, I don't want to set foot in your church. I literally saw a comment on a pastor's post the other day, bearing in mind he was talking about both sides and he was saying, basically what I'm saying in the sense of the union of the body of Christ. She said, all I want to know is if there is a Trump supporter pastor out there, he better let me know from day one. And I will never step foot in his church. Girl. What? What? And then there's people on the other side that will say, you are not a true follower of Jesus. And this and this problem that is prohibited me from doing this and this. You're not my friend. You're not part of my family. There are people who have cut off their family members because they have voted for a different party, a different party Something that is here today and gone tomorrow. You do realize this whole election is now history. Yes, it's present because there is a president in office. But this election, the election that we experienced, what, three days ago, is now history. My children will learn about it in their history books when both of them are dead. They will learn about it in a time where politics might be completely different. There might be completely different social problems, economic problems, problems with race, problems with gender. They could all be completely different then. And I'm not saying you don't stand for what you believe in now and you don't follow the leading of God now. I'm not saying that. But to idolize it and to take something so temporary that will impact your life and your children's life, based on how you handle it, is appalling. So you're telling me you're going to cut off your own mother because of her political views and you're going to stop your children from getting to know your mother. You're going to get a divorce because your husband didn't vote for who you voted for, and you're going to have a broken family. And I'm not saying there aren't exceptions of extremist views that definitely show okay, you know, we probably can't coexist in, you know, normal conversations about anything, about any morals, about any godly understanding, because you genuinely are a very ungodly person that I can understand. But some of you have known people for decades, have been friends with them for decades. These are people that have sacrificed for you, loved on you, helped you with life's crazy circumstances, given you love, given you wisdom, helped you grow in your relationship with God, guided you, encouraged you, rooted for you, and you find out now that they vote for a different party and now you're. You're gonna throw away a lifetime of friendship, a lifetime of family connection, a lifetime of love. My parents didn't agree politically. Fun fact. My dad has pretty much been one side for the whole of his life, pretty much. He's got his own political views. And my mum doesn't like, didn't she. She didn't care about politics. She literally used to let my dad vote for her because we used to have the. Well, we still do. We vote through post. I don't know what it's actually called, but we get it posted to us and we write down like tick where we're voting. And she just used to give it to him. And there was times in politics, both in British politics, which obviously impacts us a lot more, and American politics that they have had arguments about that my mum cannot understand where my dad is coming from. My dad could not understand where my mum is coming from. And they just agreed to disagree. First of all, they disagreed to disagree. And there is a resolution in the fact that my mum had actually a dream and a vision from God that opened her eyes to a lot of things. And then my parents both started talking about it. Then my dad was disagreeing with my mum because he was like, oh, you're just stupid, this isn't true, blah, blah, blah, mom just kept talking to him about these different things that's going on in the world. And slowly but surely they both prayed, they both sought God's guidance, they both read, both got differing views from different things. And I'm not saying they agree on 100% of everything. But my point is, even if they never agreed on certain things, I'm not saying it was drastically different mind because they had Christ at the center. So there are certain biblical practices, biblical morals and values that they both agreed on, but there was certain political, economic, social, racial, whatever stuff that they disagreed on. But they had Christ at the center. And there was a level of, okay, we disagree on that. We had an argument on that. But is that going to wipe away 35 years of marriage? Is that going to wipe away how you have molded me into being a woman who seeks God with her whole heart and on my dad's side, does that wipe away all the times that you have fought for me and you have loved me and you have helped grow me towards being a man of God? When you really think of it like that, there is so much more to life, so much more. And I also think it took my parents just having conversations and a lot of us don't even want to have the conversation. We want to do the talking, we want to do the yelling, we want to do the posting and the reprimanding and the. And the screaming? We want to do all of that. We want to give our point and we want to give it loudly. But as soon as someone else has their point to share, we shut our ears and we walk away. I was watching something actually the night of the election and someone was on this live. It was just a live election thing where they give you updates and whatnot. And this guy literally said, bearing in mind he is leaning one way, he said, I don't ever want to get comfortable with voting for X. I don't ever want to get comfortable with not voting for X. I need to surround myself with both parties to Know that if there is a shift that I need to know about, a shift that doesn't align with my values, that doesn't align with what I envision the world to be, I need to be open enough to make that shift. And I thought, wow, this is someone who is very political, very big on his ideas, very educated as well in what he stands for. And he outwardly said, if there is one day that I get led to vote for a different party, I need to be open. And he said I need to surround myself. And he said he does surround himself with people who have differing views. He needs to have conversations with people who have differing views. He needs to get why people vote someone else. And I thought that that is a mature person right there. I'm not sure if they're a believer, but that is a biblical principle right there in the sense of we can restrict ourselves with just people who look like us, talk like us, think like us. Because what did Jesus do if he was just around people who thought like him, looked like him, acted like him, had the same purpose and foresight as him, he would be on his own and so would you. Because there is no one, even within your own party, who agrees exactly like you, maybe about the big political side of things, but not in life. And there's going to be something that you argue about. So do you cut them off too? And I really do believe with this election, the biggest problem that I am seeing amongst Christians isn't who they voted for, it's that they don't understand why other people voted for someone else. And there is this constant tearing down of what they think is right. Fair enough. But then there's that assumption that everyone else is wrong and everyone else heard God wrong. Because I have heard, I have heard God. I have had my own real prayer times, arguments with my parents as well about what they believed because I was so set on either just not caring because I was not a very political person, or not believing and not wanting to believe. There was a level of pride in the sense of, oh, if I look this up, this might change my view. I can understand why people vote, both sides, both in the UK and in the us. I might not fully understand in the sense of, well, I have these values and this party goes against these values. I have this understanding on, on people, on women, on children, on money, on economy, on war. I have all of these different opinions. Yes. And for some of it, I think, oh, well, if this person knew about xyz, maybe they would understand why I'm voting or I'm having this opinion. If I were to be able to vote, obviously I'm not in America. For me, it's a level of if we all sat and talked about why we agree with something, why we disagree with something, learning about why someone else has this opinion and why someone else disagrees with your opinion. I really do believe as humans, we have, especially Christians, most importantly, Christians have a moral compass, have set values, have set beliefs. There is this idea that if. If you vote for a different party, you are stupid. You don't care about people. You are a completely different person to me who has different values. And I never want to be around you because you don't care about love and you don't care about peace and you don't care about human. But if you really sat and talked to people of differing sides, you would understand that most people, especially believers, it should be every single believer is doing something out of love. I'm not saying that there aren't believers doing it out of hate, but that's between them and Jesus. But in terms of a believer who has given their heart over to God, recognizes how his love is above all, and has translated his love into the way that they see the world, in the way that they vote and in the party that they lean towards, you would understand that it comes from love. And I'm going to put it out there to end this episode. There might be conversations you're avoiding having, and if you were to have those conversations, not only would you maybe understand where someone's coming from, you might begin to start believing them and your eyes might be open to a different opinion. It might not say that you vote differently, but you might say, you know what? You're actually right, because I have. I have actually wondered why my party does xyz. I've wondered why they have viewpoints in xyz. And you know what? You're right. And I can understand why that's a really big problem for you. And that's why you were voted the other side. And that's something that I've had to do with myself. I've had to think as seeing people, friends, influencers that I have loved for a long time, celebrities. Celebrities. Doesn't bother me, though, because a lot of them aren't saved. So that there's a level of if they vote one way or the other, that's coming from flesh. But in terms of believers, I've seen a lot of things and I've been like, oh, okay, well, they. They voted for that or they agreed with that. And they're angry. Oh, okay. And I've had to think, well, I really like this person and I actually really think that they are a man or a woman after God's own heart. And maybe there's a reason. And some of the reasons I completely understand. And I can understand how for some people there are values that they see as a big yes, and there are some opinions that they see as a big no. Some of it is all down to prioritization. There might be people who very much lean one way, but there is that one thing that they cannot vote against or they cannot vote for. We assume that when people lean one side or the other that they are completely that side and are completely brain dead and tone deaf to someone else's point of view. And that's just not. That's not life. As humans, we are so diverse and we are so individual. We have all had different experiences, different upbringings, different conversations when exposed to different things. And unless you are a literal robot, you should not like. I would find it strange to agree with every single thing that a politician has done or a politician has said. I would find that. I would find that insane, especially as a believer which both sides have pitted other sides against one another that I can't stand for and that I don't like. And I wish that politics would just go back to really respectful debates. I literally saw a clip of was it when Obama was already in or someone else? Anyways, it was like I was really young, so I don't even remember it. But there was like a clip of Obama and another president during the debate and they were like both laughing with one another. The other guy was saying, it's such a privilege to be with you president. Oh, he was a president, so Obama was president, so whoever the other guy was. And they were like, it's a privilege to be doing this debate with you. And they were sort of like making jokes and being friends and whatever. But they've got, you know, different opinions and they will debate and they will give their viewpoint, but there's a level of respect. And that's what I don't like about politics. How is it is anything but respect? It is anything but tasteful conversations. It is just darting insults at one another. And this is the problem when you are led by your heart and not by the Holy Spirit. Because when you're led by the Holy Spirit, you can still have your opinions, but you are led in a way that's classy and tasteful. And as believers, we need to not get caught up in that because politics is still a worldly system, whilst you have every right to vote, and there are certain things that if it really is important to you and is in alignment with the word of God, you vote for that. If that is something you feel strongly in relation to your faith, in relation to how God sees people, how God sees children, how God sees the economy, how God sees socioeconomic freedom, vote for it. But what you don't do is you don't become like the person who you're voting for. You don't become like the party you are voting for. There is hate that is so deeply embedded in being so for a party. And I want to say another thing, actually. The world will try and turn you into a victim. The world will. Let's be honest, okay? There are some people who are gutted at the results of this election or have been gutted in the past or have worried about it not going the way that they have prayed for, the way that they have believed, for the way that God has shown them would be the right way. God never calls us to be victims. God calls us to be victorious. And I'm seeing a lot, obviously, let's, you know, let's not sugarcoat Trump won the election. People are upset. There are a side of people who are gutted. There are side of people who have had a really bad week. But when that bad week causes you to live in hatred, to live in defeat, the idea of there is no hope left for me, I. I get it. I understand from a fleshly understanding, a fleshy perspective of this is something that's really hard. But one thing I want to leave with you that I have seen in every presidential election, general election in the uk, when something doesn't go your way, there is that fleshy desire to live in defeat. There is that fleshly voice telling you that you must grieve and grieve with anger and grieve with distaste for anyone who is celebrating. Jesus had to suffer defeat every day. He had to suffer rejection every day. He had to suffer literally being nailed to a cross and experiencing the ultimate level of defeat, which is being killed. Yes, he brought himself to that cross, but why did he bring himself to that cross? He brought himself to that cross because he knew it wasn't the end. Jesus experienced one of the most tyrant and oppressive political societies known to man. There were no rights for anyone, and there was not really any rights for him as a Jew in particular. So Jesus knows what it's like to be oppressed, but does oppression stop purpose? Does Oppression define you? Did Jesus walk around with a chip on his shoulder for other types of people? Did Jesus let it stop him from loving and caring and seeing past the exterior? Jesus was just as victorious before he died than when he resurrected. Why? Because he was a son of God. We are a child of God and we have the privilege now through the resurrection of Jesus, being united back to righteousness with the Father. We are children of God. So despite election results, despite good or bad, despite happy or sad, despite depressed or victorious, you are victorious. There are people who are celebrating or have celebrated or wanted to celebrate, who are broken people. An election doesn't dictate your victory. Your faith in Jesus does. Things could all go wrong. I have experienced that in life, in politics, in relationships, in jobs. But I know who my God says I am. And we have to rest in that and we have to recognize that. And we have to not let this impact how we go about ministering, impact who we go and minister to, impact the love that Jesus has given to us and through us, through His Holy Spirit. And we also can't let it impact our approach to understanding other people, understanding other parties, understanding other opinions of politics, whether you agree with them or not. I think we are living in a heavily media infiltrated society where we are lacking education. And that comes from a level of ignorance and a level of arrogance to I don't want to know because I know that I'm right. I've been there. I've been there. I, I have, I have ignored God telling me, just, just have a look, just, just look this up. God knows how complex life is, how our life is, how our generation is in particular, where there are so many thoughts chucked around left, right and center. And not only does he know that he brings union, he knows that our hearts to make effort to bring union, brings union. If we don't try to understand someone else, we will never understand someone else. If you avoid the conversations, if you avoid listening to other people's points of view, you will stay hardened to those types of people. And God cannot use you with a hardened heart. That's the reality. You could sit there angry, scolding, and you could sit there happy, mocking and all while God is trying to do something on the inside of you that he cannot get out. Because you are stuck on something that on the grand scheme of things means nothing. And you have not thought one second about your union with your brother being more important than your union with a political party. Do you know how many friends I have who are not Christian and do you know how close our friendship is. Yes, it can never be as close as two believers who are cheering each other on and laying their lives down at the foot of the cross. But I have genuine, loving, caring relationships with people who are not Christian. Do you know how much understanding that takes on both sides? Do you know what recognition that is to realize that there are a lot of things that we don't agree on? There are a lot of things that I would do differently. There are a lot of things that they probably look at my life and say, wow, she's weird, that's strange, that's different. And there's a lot of things that I would look at them and say, wow, that's stupid and that's reckless and that's not in alignment with how God would want me to do things. But do you know how many Christians don't have non Christian friends and aren't in non Christian circles? Do you know how many Christians sit in the corner of their office not getting involved in the culture, not attending a single social, not inviting a single colleague out for a walk on lunch because they are different? And you know how much that Christian is missing out on sharing love and joy and peace and comfort and sowing a seed into their hearts about Jesus. But you know what a lot of that boils down to? It boils down to fear, it boils down to hate, and it boils down to not understanding. If you can't put yourself into someone else's shoe, you cannot make an impact. A lot of you are yelling at different people with different political views and you feel really strongly about it. And maybe God has called you to speak about this topic, but the way you're speaking is not in a way of understanding. And if you don't understand, it will not resonate. And maybe you're someone who's speaking a whole lot and you've never once asked God for his viewpoint on it. So you are speaking meaningless, unbiblical words and God is calling you elsewhere. And you're stuck in this constant cycle of conflict, this constant cycle destruction of relationships, because you cannot shake this opinion that you have and you hold so dearly. But I love you guys, I love you and I love when we love and I want that to be your if you take one thing from this podcast, take love with you. Take compassion with you. Take understanding with you and take listening with you and take prayer with you as well. Take surrender with you. Don't take this is always how I have thought. Take God. I'm willing for you to search my heart and reveal to me areas that I have put myself, my pride, my identity over who you call me to be. And I know that God is faithful to do that. But anyways, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna eat. I'm always hungry when I do podcasts, but I don't know, I see it as, like, a reward. And I also get really tired after I eat, so then I wouldn't want to record. So doing on hunger just. Just gives me that little bit extra energy. But before I get hangry, I'm a love and leave y'all. But, yeah, please love, please care and please pray. But, yeah, I love you all. Have a blessed week. See ya.