less of me
welcome to the less of me podcast where we’re all about living a life of surrender for the glory of God and God alone. i, your host, elodie christina, will explore the any and every subject - submitting it under the name of Jesus and not under the name of flesh, pride or main character syndrome.
this podcast is meant to challenge you (and i) to soften your heart, let go of your ideas and embrace God's.
33 episodes
the gospel is not about you.
this might be a hard pill to swallow but THE GOSPEL IS NOT ABOUT YOU. we hear the word gospel all the time. we know that Jesus died for us, we know that we are saved through Him. but do we really know the gospel?in this episode, i refle...
Episode 33

God told me to stop idolising marriage.
i just got engaged, so this may seem like a strange topic to be talking about - but i can promise you it's needed.i've been through a crazy journey of seeking validation through relationships and then experiencing the knowledge that only...
Episode 32

i'm engaged! a testimony to God's faithfulness.
this homegirl is a FIANCÉE 🥹💍 this is one of the most surreal moments of my life, and i couldn’t wait to share it with you all. if you’ve been on this journey with me - from my teenage years, to coming to Christ, to the ups and dow...
Episode 31

stop treating God like your genie.
how often do you go to God because you want Him - not because you want something from Him?in this episode, i unpack how we can fall into the trap of treating God like a genie: someone to grant our wishes rather than wor...
Episode 30

i've lost my fire for God.
losing your fire for God is probably one of the most frustrated and destructive feelings to feel as a beliver. it's something we all struggle with as a believer at some point.but i wanna go into not just that feeling but why chasing tha...
Episode 29

why are you so comfortable not knowing your Bible?
we are slowly becoming a generation where a “good christian” is about attending church, singing worship songs, and being kind to others. and all of these things are good... but where is the Bible in this?how often are we actually in the...
Episode 28

2025 is God's year, not yours.
it’s that time of year again new year, new resolutions, and endless vision boards. but as christians, are we submitting our plans to God? in this episode, i unpack the dangers of claiming “2025 is my year” without first seeking God’s will.<...
Episode 27

dating should push you towards God, not away. (feat. nas)
dating as a christian comes with its challenges, but it’s also one of the most rewarding journeys when christ is truly at the centre. in this episode, nas and i go into what it means to date with purpose, how to honour God in your relationship,...
Episode 26

if you want a godly man, raise your standards.
if you’re frustrated with the men in your life, it’s time to look at your standards... AND your standards of God. because the truth is, if your view of Him is shallow, your expectations for men will be too.what i talk about:✨ ...
Episode 25

how to forgive yourself when God already has.
so many of us believe in the power of God’s forgiveness but still hold on to shame, guilt, and condemnation. but that's a life of bondage because we can't truly recognise the gravity of Christ’s sacrifice and the freedom we now have in ...
Episode 24

your main character syndrome is at war with God.
main character syndrome... we’ve all been there. the world tells us to put ourselves first, chase our truth, and make everything about us. but let’s be real: when we make ourselves the centre of the universe, we’re at war with ...
Episode 23

you will never have faith without relationship.
faith without relationship? it doesn’t work. today i'm talking about why true faith is rooted in a deep relationship with God and not in striving for spiritual achievements or trying to “will” ourselves into faith.what i ...
Episode 22

why aren't you doing the thing God called you to do?
that thing God called you to do—why haven’t you started it yet? if you’ve been feeling convicted about putting off what you know He’s asked of you, i get it - but i'm encouraging you to not drown in excuseswhat i talk abo...
Episode 21

americans - your divide about politics is not biblical.
homegirls... this week i am hurt. this episode dives into a topic that’s been weighing on my heart and i feel like it would be wrong to ignore: politics. particularly american politics. the recent election has stirred ...
Episode 20

why don't you have christian friends?
so many of us want christian friends, but when we look around, we’re either alone or surrounded by friends who aren't following God.this episode dives into the real reasons behind that, from where we’re spending our time to how open we ...
Episode 19

are we using God to elevate ourselves?
hey homegirls! in this episode, i’m getting real about something i see a lot in our culture – how easy it is to use God as a way to elevate ourselves, rather than truly seeking Him for who He is. it’s everywhere, and honestly, i ge...
Episode 18

are you romanticising your life with God?
hey homegirls! in this episode, i’m talking about what it really means to live a life with God at the centre – not just during highs but in the everyday moments. it’s about making Him your lifestyle, above all the noise.here...
Episode 17

when discipline becomes self-righteousness.
hey homegirls, this episode is a REAL one.i’m getting honest about something that’s been on my heart lately – how discipline, when not rooted in God, can slip into self-righteousness.i delve into my personal journey of rediscoveri...
Episode 16

things they don't tell you about finding a man of God
Hey homegirls, I'm baaaack.I wanna first off apologise for not posting this last week - I got back from Portugal early hours of Saturday morning and I was EXHAUSTED. Not to mention, my week was busy in general but I'll fill you in more ...
Episode 15

is self-love biblical?
girlllllll. this is a top i know none of you wanna talk about but we have to talk about it!the world is so heavily consumed with self to the point where it's beginning to literally seep into christian culture. but why? is this God's pla...
Episode 14

i love God but i don't like His rules.
hey homegirlssssss.you probably gave this title the side eye and i get it. i struggled with understanding and even agreeing with God’s rules for a HOT MINUTE. if you’ve ever felt guilty, confused, or frustrated trying to liv...
Episode 13

i put my job above God.
hey homegirls, it’s ya gurlll (if you remember me).it’s been a while, and life’s been a bit all over the place soooo keeping up with the podcast has been put on the back burner. but i'm back and this episode will explain.Lately,...
Episode 12

church has no use for me.
some would say church has no use for them - and i was one of them. being raised in church can either make you a lover of church or a hater of it. and maybe hate was a strong word but i definitely had strong feelings about it. even as a christia...
Episode 11