less of me

why aren't you doing the thing God called you to do?

elodie christina Episode 21

that thing God called you to do—why haven’t you started it yet? 

if you’ve been feeling convicted about putting off what you know He’s asked of you, i get it - but i'm encouraging you to not drown in excuses

what i talk about:

  • why we make excuses for not acting on God’s calling
  • how we often prioritise comfort and logic over obedience
  • the reality of surrendering to God’s plans, even when they’re inconvenient
  • trusting His timing and leading, even in small steps
  • scriptures that remind us of our purpose and God’s desire for our obedience

it’s time to stop overthinking and start moving in faith. God’s calling is intentional, loving, and full of purpose, but it requires us to step out, trust, and act.

i pray this episode encourages you to listen to His voice, set aside the excuses, and pursue what He’s put on your heart.

you are SO purposeful. in fact God created you on purpose, for a purpose. so you’ve got this, and God’s with you every step of the way.

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